Tuesday, June 19, 2012

peanut free ruby

i got to talk to ruby's allergist this evening after seeing her test results online. whatever the factor is that they test is apparently pretty low- (Positive: Peanut IgE 1.05) i don't know what that means in regards to the severity of it, but the dr seemed optimistic that she might outgrow it.  she said that they are finding more kids are outgrowing the peanut allergy then they previously thought, and some of the statements found about it being an allergy that is never outgrown might not really apply because she is so young.  obviously this is optimism and speculation, not anything guaranteed. 

she said based on the immediacy of ruby's response to being exposed to pb that avoidance is the way to go at this point.  avoiding all things peanut related, and tree nuts (those have a high risk of cross contamination). the good news in all of this is i've given up eating peanuts and ruby's eczema that we've been struggling with for months has cleared up entirely, and the dr said tree nuts are safe for me to eat.

in a year we will retest and they will do the skin test, depending on the results of that maybe another blood test and if the numbers are different then try re-exposing her. 

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Fathers Day

All About my Daddy
answers by Cece:

my daddy's name is: Andrew & Andy & Daddy.
my dad is: 32 years old
his hair is: brown and his eyes are: brown
my dad's favorite food is: "letters" (to which i said letters?) and she said "no.... um. MEAT!"
daddy's favorite color is: brown
my dad likes to wear: yellow
my dad's job is: painting
he loves to eat: meat & meat
he's smart because he knows: more meat
my dad works hard at: work
daddy always tells me: ooooooooooooooohhhhhhh (rofl, which is the noise you make when someone get's 'burned')
i'm happy when daddy: he puts ruby and me in the middle
i love my daddy because: i'm love him!

Thanks for everything, daddy pig. i'm glad you're my partner in crime i mean parenting.