Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Garden watch: fruits

Not much to report, it's been rain rain raining all the time lately. Monday we had some sunshine so I moved the strawberry plants I had in a pot over to the official gardening area. It was a long overdue move judging by number of plants I got.

A could of weeks ago I impulsively picked up a blueberry bush, do that's in the ground too. I've also got a raspberry plant (bush?) in a container- that's getting rather unwieldy and, as it turns out raspberry bushes are covered in crazy spikes, so I'm not quite sure what I am going to do with that, but for now it looks like its getting some fruit! So that's exciting.

Hopefully the sun peeks out of the clouds and the veggies start peeking out of the dirt!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

and butterflies.

we've been having quite the conversation this morning.

"cece what should we do today?"
"um. JUMP. ON THE COUCH!!!!"
"haha. ok. that's something."
"and... rake outside!!"
"oh! that's a good idea, but it's raining today."
"oh no!"
"it's ok, it's good for our seeds."
"yes. and the trees. and erin & mark's trees. and neighbors trees."

she's playing this gingerbread cookie app on the ipad right now, and she always picks circles for the cookie's eyes, nose & buttons. so i asked her if circles were her favorite. and she said "yes. and butterflies."


Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The seeds are in!!

Well that was a challenge. The smallest helper quite hated gardening. Especially since the blanket I picked was too small & she fell on her face in the dirt. Poor kid. Lucky for everyone, uncle Matt was home & came out to keep Ruby Rubes company.

Cece helped me dig some holes & plant all the seeds. Should be interesting to see where carrots grow besides the rows ;). I'm also thinking I might get some short fencing to make it clearer where the garden is.

We didn't quite follow my carefully measured map, so perhaps the fencing would have been a good place to start. ;). It's pretty close though, and it's promising to be damp for the next few days at least, so I'm cautiously optimistic we might get some plants!!