Sunday, August 30, 2009

Busy Weekend!

We had a really busy weekend considering we started off with no plans:)
Thursday Cece, Mom & Grandmom headed to the outlets. Cece slept through all the shopping, and the excitement of losing the car in the parking lot. It wasn't lost for long though, so it was a successful day.
Friday our friends The Tormeys came over for dinner, it was nice to hang out with them!

Cece: "Hey Kieran, Welcome to my crib"
Kieran: "pretty sweet"
Saturday we had an unexpected trip up to Lynn to introduce Cecelia to her Great-Nana Farrer and she had her first lunch in a restaurant. She kept her track record up and slept through that too, yay!
We put Baby in the corner ;)
for fun, here's Cecelia showing off her first night in feety pajamas. she wasn't so sure about them at first:
(full of rage!!!)

a much calmer squid, cuddling with dad. <3
good night all! :)

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

some people think she's fishy, but she's just a kid...

Cecelia is a girl of many nicknames already. some more predictable, like Cece or C or CC rider. :). others less so, like Squid.

People seem surprised when we call our beautiful baby girl "Squid" but the story behind such a bizarre nickname is simple- and those who have fed infants can probably relate- She seems to grow extra arms when she's hungry and fed up. while mom seems to lose arms. we have it down a little better now, but for a while at first, daddy had to help get all those squiddy arms out of the way! So it started as she was being an angry squid at dinner time and has just sort of evolved into sleepy squid, happy squid.

she's just our little squid. and we love her.

an early sighting of angry squid

and here is a sleepy squid <3

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

First Post! a day of visiting

We decided to start a blog to keep up with all of our adventures with Cecelia. She's a mere 3 weeks and we've had crazy adventures, visiting grandparents & great grandparents, her first trip to target, cookouts, and her first bath! Too bad we didn't have the blog for those :)
Today's adventure, Mommy & baby went to visit Daddy at work! yay!
Saying hi to Auntie Lauren
Andy & Em have a "romantic" lunch :)
meeting coworkers is exhausting!
after leaving daddy (sad) we went & visited auntie meg & cousin kiley
it was a fun day of visits, but we were both glad to be home and on the couch!