Sunday, October 31, 2010

happy halloweeeeen!

Cece & her friends Jack & Kieran were Doozers for halloween (at least at our happy haunting party yesterday):

being a doozer is EXHAUSTING!

here's a movie of our attempt to get a group shot of the babies in their helmets :)

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

cece seems to be cutting 4 teeth. which would explain the sleepless nights (or, really early mornings- i guess, to be fair).  it looks like another front bottom tooth, and maybe a molar? she is NOT one to let us poke around in her mouth, so i can't be sure.

Friday, October 8, 2010


we were lounging around yesterday, watching some sesame street & having a snuggle:

when i looked behind me & saw this:
Cece had set her little dinosaur up on a shoebox, looking out the window. now, i know she's a little young for pretend play, so i don't think there was a lot of intention behind this pile. none the less, the picture makes me smile every time i see it. sweet little baby, sharing her favorite spot with her buddy.

<3 <3 <3

Friday, October 1, 2010

gravity and magic.

well, gravity IS magic, of course. cece has been conducting some experiments. yesterday, baxter had disemboweled one of his fluff filled toys- so cece was picking up the fluff, holding it over her head and letting it fall. this was all extra cute because she was standing in front of the fan and would greatly enjoy as it blew away.  today she tried the experiment again with a block from her shape sorter. it fell much quicker and would land on her face, or roll down her arms. she thought this was pretty great too.

tonight we went out to dinner. it got pretty loud in the restaurant and cece would put her fingers in her ears. as she took them out, her eyes would light up and she'd crack a sly grin. holy crap, i can control sound. this is magic. she's a pretty cool kid.