Thursday, April 29, 2010

have i mentioned we have mobility?

we have mobility.

she's finally mastered the crawl.

her favorite, however is walking.

don't mind headless mom ;)

so, that's it. we're doomed.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

welcome welcome!

Our cousin Beth had her baby girl last thursday night. Cece & I finally got to meet her yesterday. She was very sleepy still, so Cece tried crawling after big brother Patrick for a while. When Patrick went down for his nap, Renee woke up so we got to say hello to her too.

Renee is quite tiny for this family, but i'm sure she'll be a moose in no time! :) welcome baby girl!

short haired baby

wait, that's a long haired baby... consider it the "before" but it was cute! so here it is :D

Here she is, getting ready for the first snip:
she wasn't sure about the whole haircut thing. really i think she got more impatient with hanging out on momma's lap and wanted to escape:
not so bad, right peanut?

Thursday, April 22, 2010

i can't stand it!

Cecelia got her first haircut today! she's not even 9 months! but since she'll be mini-flower girl in her uncle matt & auntie melisssa's wedding in a week & a half it was time. no more shaggy ragamuffin.

cece approves! still cute!

we of course took lots more pictures & even a video, so i'll try to post more soon

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

sunny days, chasing the stinks away!

now that we've been having some lovely sunny weather instead of monsoons & flooding, i wanted to try giving our cloth diapers some sun. i've read that it helps bleach out discoloring (wink wink) and improves their smell. ours were getting a bit rank, so this seemed like an easy way to try to fix that.

pretty & fresh smelling. mmmmm.

andy also recalled that we may need to play with the amount of detergent we need, where the microfiber liners are so absorbent, perhaps they weren't getting clean enough? (ick!) they smell & look good now at least so we're trying a little bit more soap. 

(guarding the hole the clothesline goes in. )

food fail!

our FIRST food fail!

Cecelia has been pretty open to the foods we've offered her. some she's more enthusiastic about than others. usually she'll try them and if she doesn't like them she usually ignores them. well, we found one that was offensive enough to warrant spitting out and quite a bit of fussing & crying.

the winner is: Kiwi!

hmm.. what's this?

wah! why did you give me this terrible thing? are you trying to poison me?
It's going to take a lot of cheerios for me to forgive this!

Monday, April 5, 2010


Here Cece gets in on the Easter action with some eggs that The Bunny was nice enough to fill with cheerios & ce's cousins Kiley & Cam were nice enough to find for her. Happy Easter!

8 months!

I cannot believe it's been 8 months (and a few days now) since Cecelia joined us 'on the outside' ;)  She's turning into quite a little character. lots of laughing, and raspberries. now she can wave (sometimes with one hand, sometimes with a little help from the other) and her rapidly becoming famous "boo face" where she scrunches up her nose and snuffles. i have no idea where it came from, but it's quite comical.

you can kind of see her boo face in this picture, although it LOOKS as if she's trying to eat the plastic egg, she's not.

The name 'boo face' comes from my friend Heather, who said her sister used to make the same face and that's what they called it. Sounded good to me!

as far as milestones, lots of babbling (bah bah bah, blah blah, & da's) some scootching, but that still makes her really frustrated because she can't go forward. she loves standing, and can pull herself up pretty well in her crib and on me. :)