Tuesday, February 22, 2011

camera phone!

it has been a while since i've entered over at i heart faces, but this weeks contest is a camera phone photo. i don't have a fancy phone that can do cool things with apps, but i *do* take a lot of pictures with my phone, so i thought i must have something worth sharing.

usually i get cece being crazy, but the rare quite moments are nice too.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

things never said before parenthood:

me:  there's a booger or something on your forehead.
hub: it's... it's a piece of fluff, but, it's weirdly crunchy...
me:  oh. i picked that off the dog. i think it's a piece of rice.
hub: you picked rice off the dog and put it on my forehead?

Thursday, February 3, 2011

i'm suspicious

andrew and i are up and about the house and cece is still in bed sleeping. this is a first! one for the baby book. (which, is this blog)

i even tried to go back to bed but couldn't sleep. maybe i should go clean the kitchen (shhhhh.... don't wake the baby)