Monday, May 31, 2010

around the house

Andy & our friend John fixed up our falling down fence last weekend.  this was exciting because then they opened the pool! yay!
mmm. black lagoon.

the fence (& the pool) look much better now!
while the boys were hard at work Sarah, Laurie & I played with the babies.

more adventures (i'm falling behind a bit!)

may 15th we had a lovely lunch with cece's grampa & nana.

on thursday may 20th pat pat & renee came over to check out cece's new water table
ok. just pat pat & cece played. renee snoozed (& snacked)

Thanks for the water table gramma!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Baby Steps

It's an exciting week here in the Farrer house! Cece's very first tooth is breaking through, and then, today, there's this!

It seems like just yesterday she was just a teeny tiny little baby, small enough to hold in one hand, and now she's walking! (in short spurts, of course, but it's a start!)

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

happy birthday cam!

we went to cece's cousin cameron's birthday party this weekend. fun was had by all!

Monday, May 10, 2010

scrub a dub dub.

we are very excited that cece still loves bathtime! in fact, when we're walking around the apartment (her holding onto someones fingers) she usually heads to the tub. cute!

trying to eat the washcloth, noooo!!!!

trying to eat the grippy things from the bottom of the tub, noooooo!!!!!

eating the fish. OK! :D


Cece & I went & visited the Johnsons this afternoon. I always seem to get the camera out during Patrick's nap, but Renee was very awake while we were there so it was fun getting to hang with the newbie.

Renee has got the sweetest baby mohawk going on. i'm a big fan.

what a difference 8 months makes, huh?

happy momma's day

sunday was mothers day, my first "official" one (i kind of count last year, being largely pregnant like i was) Andy was super dad, took the baby out early, made breakfast, got me flowers & the diaper detergent i wanted (hehe).  and was generally fabulous.

om nom nom.
4 generations!
 4 generations of silliness ;)

buzz buzz buzz

The Farrers have been busy bees! Saturday, we headed up to the South Shore Plaza to take part in a diaper derby. who has ever heard of such a thing. there was a crawling race:
whiiiich Cece decidedly did not win. as she did not crawl anywhere.

but, that is kind of what we expected. we're holding out for cutest diaper. because the diaper was pretty cute, but the diaper + the kid? totally the cutest ;)

it was fun to get out of the house on a rainy saturday.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

happy mothers day!

Andy (& cece) have made my first 'official' mothers day as a mom truly amazing. I love my little family. I hope everyone out there is having a great day, if you're mom to teeney people, big people, furry "people"!

me & cece made you this:

Monday, May 3, 2010


Huge congrats are in order to Cece's Uncle 'Travelin' Matt Mozzone & Aunt Melisssa-Anne who got married on saturday. it was a beautiful day. beautiful ceremony, beautiful reception- it was an honor to be a part of. we love you guys!

the happy couple, in real life above, and clay life below :)

cece & daddy feet

 momma & baby hang out in the shade during pictures.