Friday, August 27, 2010

Thursday, August 19, 2010


Cecelia still isn't much for talking with 'actual' words, but she is still very chatty. she has returned to calling the kitties  something that sounds a lot like kitty. sort of a 'ki-teeteeteee!' and i think she might have said 'gentle' the other day (since we always say 'gentle gentle!' when she's near any of the animals) Baxter is also a kitty, but, to be fair, he's smaller than most of the kitties.

balloon is "ba ba ba" and she has a great time with the balloon we got her for her birthday. it's pretty deflated by this point but she likes to crinkle it and hug it. i'm tempted to fold it up and save it for her, but i imagine it won't be as cherished when she's older ;)

she can sign for milk & all done- although the sign for milk now means pretty much anything she is interested in and all done for anything she does not want. i guess we should work on learning a few more!

one of the things she got for her birthday is a  little elmo mailbox. it's a shape sorter- but she took a good look at it one day and opened up the front of it and just puts everything in that way. it's much more efficient!

and more good news- we got the results of her blood tests back and she is no loner anemic! her iron levels have reached the normal levels, so we get to stop supplementing. we're all very excited about that.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


for those of you in the boston area- head on over to the middle east (corner) to see my brothers art!

cece approves:

Friday, August 13, 2010

more milestones!

we had cece's 1 year well baby check up this week. everything looked good! she's still above the 95% for height & weight- at 27(and change) pounds & 32 inches. i finally brought her to get her iron rechecked today, so hopefully all will be good on that front when we get the results.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Fair

Last friday we headed to the rehobeth fair with some of the fam, beth & the kids, & aunt sue & uncle ray. I finally got a chance to upload the pictures. as usual, i "narrowed it down" to 117, but i won't post them all here :)

cece was NOT sure about the animals this time around.

she was also not sure about the rides.

but the lemonade was good.

waiting for the tractors!

where are they?

tractors are so awesome. pat pat can't wait!

Renee is not so sure any of this is awesome.

good night cece. good night pat pat.

good night fair.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

birthday party!

so, only 4 days later i'm finally posting about the partaaay :)

i didn't take that many photos before cake started

aaand she really wasn't that into cake. which is fine with me.

she may not have been into the cake, but she liked the ice cream- i think this is her all done face!

my friend meghan's son jake, however, is alll about the cake :)


whatchoo talking about kieran?

crazy muppet.

after the babies fell asleep we played cornhole & had some more adult foolishness that was fun too!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Cecelia is One!

Today is Cecelia's birthday. At 3:45am it became official, we have a one year old. We were all fortunate enough to sleep through that time this year. :)

I have to say, it feels weird that she's one. I don't know why. She's not doing anything different today than she was yesterday.  I suppose i haven't updated about what she's up to here- she's got 4 teeth, and is super mobile. she loves climbing and dancing and running around. with all that activity, she's not much for talking, she says mummummummm for me, and andy is da (but da is also ducks :) fff fff fff is baxter (and all small fluffy things, really)

foolishly, i haven't kept a baby book, or even much of an album. i've got this blog, and my personal journal- i was thinking i'd collect it all into some sort of photobook once she passed this birthday, but i'll admit i'm feeling very overwhelmed by that prospect at this point! i'm even feeling a bit overwhelmed writing this post.

it's only been one year, but there are so many memories and she has changed so much! even looking through photos for this post, i've only made it through the ones i uploaded from her first 2 months. well, since i do better with pictures than words, here's a photobreak:

little goof.
this is still the picture on my laptop, might be time to update it?

don't forget the jumping. the hours of early morning jumping....

and now, our little peanut is 1 year old.  i think i will save her birthday party for another post, since i ended up with so many photos in this one.

we love you cecelia, thank you for bringing so much joy to our lives. <3