Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Good trade.

Ce braved her way across the treacherous kitchen to yoink my phone. But she gave me her Elmo phone so I wouldn't be without technology.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Dear Ruby:

You have a clean bum, you don't want to eat & it's the middle of the night. That means it is time to sleep! #wordstoliveby.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Jumping rope.

I'm not sure where Ce learned about jumping rope, sesame street or peppah pig no doubt- but her rendition is quite cute. When are kids old enough to really try jump rope? I feel like I was about 7 but i don't think I was athletic as Cece is.

I will try to add the video soon!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Adventures in commerce

I'm feeling so much better after Ruby's delivery that today we ventured out for some supplies from BJ's & target. Two big box stores may have been ambitious but it was nice to get out with the girls.

Cece seems to have had a verbal explosion while we were off having a baby and uses her new sentence skills to say things like 'Ruby poop, da change'. ;)

Tomorrow is Ruby's first pediatricians appointment!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Welcome new love.

Ruby Marie joined us at 9:28pm on 11.11.11. She weighed in at a whopping 10 pounds 8.6 ounces and an astonishing 22.5" long. Welcome girlie, can't wait to watch you grow.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Ce was playing with this little octopus in the bath tonight, I think she may have been speaking for him, as shoes, socks and cookies were requested. To which she told him 'no, oatmeal first.'

Maybe all my responses of 'healthy food first' when she's asking for Halloween candy are sinking in after all!! ❤

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Wednesday, November 2, 2011


I downloaded the mobile app for this blog in hopes that I post more amusing pictures & stories. Can't hurt, right?

Here is Cece in rain boots & pj's trying to get at the candy corn for example.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

I have to start writing down all of the hilarious things Cecelia has been saying lately. she's really been breaking into sentence territory.

Yesterday we were watching Curious George and they were eating popcorn. her word for popcorn is something like 'dahkah' (kind of like da's car, so you can imagine my confusion). when i finally realized what she was asking for I exclaimed "popcorn! you want popcorn!"  and she said "yes! bye mumma. go kitchen." rofl.

Today she was in the bathtub and I heard the cat jump up onto the table so I yelled out the door to him, and she piped up "hey moo! Get off the table moo!"

there is something so funny about hearing these things coming out of the small fry's mouth.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

a touch of light

i like to enter "real" photos in the i heart faces challenges, but this iphone/instagram quicky from this weekend of Cece & her dad was too cute not to enter. Baby Girl got a slam dunk. :)

Monday, August 22, 2011

kitty face

this week's challenge at I Heart Faces is pets.  i've been stalking the boy cats all day and snagged this one of Beast looking very noble, with his tail in the mixer. what a good buddy.

check out other buddies:

Monday, August 15, 2011

the eyes have it

this week's challenge over at i heart faces is eyes! cece's got great eyes, so i thought i'd enter this photo.

Thursday, June 23, 2011


there is lots of kissing going on in these parts these day.

Monday, June 6, 2011

a journey in pee sticks.

so this adventure took place back in the beginning of march, but i thought you folks might enjoy my insanity. it was written when i was 4 weeks.


and now, i thought you might enjoy a photo journey of my pee-stick insanity.

this is the first one i took. on saturday afternoon (2/26). because i'm a lunatic. (as this was about 6 days before my missed period, because i kept forgetting feb only had 28 days.) i left it on the bathroom counter while i showered and much to my surprise, i saw something when i got out. with squinting and holding it in the light... holy shit....

and i messed with it in photoshop, just for shits & giggles.

oh, and these are the tests andy ordered from hong kong, because i think i probably spent a hundred dollars on HPTs when we were trying for cece. i think he spent about 5 bucks on 40 of these.

so, anywhoo- it was at this time, i realized that i'd never let one sit that long before, i always assumed they were sort of like the american ones that the 'pregnancy indicating' line started to show up almost at the same time as the 'this test is working' line.


so, the next morning, 2/27, i take another chinese one, AND the digital EPT i have stashed (that i had intended to take on monday or tuesday, but my brain exploded.)

the digital one went all reading rainbow on me. which forced me to use the second one. which was negative (@#$%&) but the chinese test had the ghostly, but suggestive shadow on it. (which is why i'm never buying digitals again. i heart over analyzing shadows)

ANGST. i am not a patient person.

morning, monday 2/28. the sun rises on yet another pee stick.

and i can almost see that shadow without squinting!

so, cece & i went to target to buy some more "real" tests

(cuteness break)
and i sincerely thought i'd be able to wait until the next morning to take one. haaaaaaaa. i'm hilarious.

i at least made it until andy got home. when i was wandering listlessly around the house he finally told me to go take one for the love of god, you got a 3 pack after all.


faint, but for sure two lines on a comfy american pee stick.

then, for science- i had andy use one of the chinese tests. i needed some pee that definitely wasn't pregnant, and i couldn't figure out how to get cece to pee in a cup.
look ma, no shadow!!!:

andy sounded much more convinced about my mysterious shadow lines after his was so gleaming white.

ok. where am i? monday. ok. so monday we decide i really am pregnant (yay!)

tuesday i managed to skip peeing on sticks all day. suffer minor withdrawal.

wednesday 3/2 i got a definite pink 'you're pregnant' line:

so if you ever wanted to see a WHOLE MESS of pee sticks, there you go. and i guess the chinese tests are pretty accurate, you just have to let them sit a while. and squint ;)

From a Distance

This weeks I <3 Faces challenge is "From a Distance" I hope this is distance enough, because I just took it last week and I was hoping I could enter it soon because I love it! Andy & I took Ce strawberry picking- I don't think she actually picked any, but she was a great supervisor.

Friday, March 25, 2011


not that there aren't a million tiny changes every day- but she knows some words, she knows some letters (mostly o),  she knows blue & sometimes yellow, and the number 8.

but today she has done several tumblesaults AND finally started calling my mom something. it sounds more like buhramma than gramma, but,  we like it!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

c'mon spring!

The weather has been teasing us with some glimpses of spring. we are READY for it to be here for real!

cold again!?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

camera phone!

it has been a while since i've entered over at i heart faces, but this weeks contest is a camera phone photo. i don't have a fancy phone that can do cool things with apps, but i *do* take a lot of pictures with my phone, so i thought i must have something worth sharing.

usually i get cece being crazy, but the rare quite moments are nice too.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

things never said before parenthood:

me:  there's a booger or something on your forehead.
hub: it's... it's a piece of fluff, but, it's weirdly crunchy...
me:  oh. i picked that off the dog. i think it's a piece of rice.
hub: you picked rice off the dog and put it on my forehead?

Thursday, February 3, 2011

i'm suspicious

andrew and i are up and about the house and cece is still in bed sleeping. this is a first! one for the baby book. (which, is this blog)

i even tried to go back to bed but couldn't sleep. maybe i should go clean the kitchen (shhhhh.... don't wake the baby)

Thursday, January 20, 2011

more brilliance :)

this morning cece pointed to andy's (giant) sneakers & said "da shoefs!" <3

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


cece did two amazing things today. first, we went outside to bring baxter to go "hurry ups." she was in fleece pjs and i didn't plan on staying outside long. as we stood on the deck she said "ha!" (which is cece for a couple of different things) so i asked "ha?" she put her hands on her head: "HA!" (hat!!)  genius!!

she also told baxter to "go go!!" which is new and adorable.

later we were playing in the living room. she's taken to this bunny, so i was showing her how bunnies hop. she put him on her trampoline and made him hop there. 'puh puh!'

Saturday, January 15, 2011


cece got some little "puffs" from her great aunt for christmas, she loves them!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

two weeks into 2011!

wow! time is flying. i've got lots of snow pictures to post, but until that happens, here is a video of cece & some of her words!