Monday, November 30, 2009

she likes to move it!

Cece has started rolling over. i figured since she didn't like tummy time, she'd roll from tummy to back to avoid it, but i was wrong! she's started rolling back to tummy, and likes being on her belly just fine if she's choosing to be there. that's my girl :)

hello again!

ah, it's hard to keep up with this blog and the baby! we've had a busy month, so I promise i will try to do a proper update soon. until then, here is a cute outtake from trying to take christmas pictures:

even though you can't see him in most of the pictures, beastie cat was hiding out the whole time!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Cece & her furry friends

sure Cecelia has a lot of monkey friends, but she also spends her days with a regular animal kingdom!

here she is with her friend Mugatu. Moog was a big fan even before Cecelia was out in the world, and used to lay on her while she was still a bump. she exacts her revenge by laying on him here!

here is Baxter Hollywood- (this is his "before"picture, he's got a much more fabulous hair cut now)
Baxter makes Cecelia laugh when he chases squirrels in the back yard.

and here she is with the elusive Beastie Cat. he's not really elusive, he just usually isn't hanging around Cecelia too much.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Sunday, November 1, 2009

happy halloween!

The Farrers were a family of monkeys. the costumes were nice and easy, and we spent the day driving around to visit everyone. I think next year we'll throw a costume party and let everyone come to us! how does that sound? :) it was good fun though, everyone enjoyed Cecelia, of course, and see seemed to enjoy herself too, she was pretty mellow the whole day. She must have been one tired monkey though, because she slept the whole night! Her first time doing that!

Since Halloween is one of my favorite holidays, Cecelia got dressed up a lot before the big day. :)

This one is still a little big at least.

check out this rockin candy band shirt! Swa-eeeet!