Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Cecelia is getting pretty darn good at eating. check it out:

i lovingly call this one "pancake smash" :)

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

more about the cloth

I have had a few people asking about our cloth experiences so I wanted to do a follow up blog about how it's going.

really- i *swore* i'd never cloth diaper. so gross, and think of the water, and eeeew! but, really it's not as gross as i expected. i mean, with a baby you're dealing with poop all the time anyway, so what's one extra step.  as far as the water goes- while I was pregnant with Cecelia, we were able to get a high efficiency washer & dryer (well, as efficient as a dryer can be) and that has helped me feel better about the water usage, because it doesn't use much.

anyway! here is a bit more about the process that works for us:
(click on photo to enlarge)
(ok, so the washcloths aren't really relevant to cloth diapering, sorry, neither is the laundry bin)

really the poopy diaper transport bin is KEY. the pee diapers can just get tossed in that white bin (which has a waterproof bag liner in it) the poopy ones need to be rinsed, because she's eating solids now. if we had started while she was just breastfed they could have been tossed strait in the wash, because that poop is water soluble- i have no idea if formula poops need to be rinsed or not.

so one the poopy diaper is removed from the baby's bottom and she's rediapered and placed somewhere safe- we bring the offending diaper to the bathroom where we have this brilliant thing:
it's like the dish sprayer for your sink, only on the john! and this is another thing without which i doubt we'd be cloth diapering. GET THIS. here, here's a link!

see, it attaches to your toilet, and even has a shut off valve:
i'll be honest, andrew installed it and he's clever when it comes to that sort of thing, so i have no idea how difficult it would be for those of us NOT plumbingly inclined, but it's totally worth it to find someone who is to have this.

once they are sprayed down, toss them in the bin and you're all set. we have enough of a stash that we do a load of diapers every 2 or 3 days.

ce is fussing, so i guess that's all for now!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

because it makes me laugh every time:

penguins & seals!! aahhh!

and everyone needs a good laugh

ah, a taste of spring.

It's back to dismal rain, but for a few glorious days we had warm & sunshine!

Cecelia, Baxter & I enjoyed it quite a bit!

We also had some nice weather this weekend for my cousin Beth's son Patrick's birthday party!
happy 2nd birthday!

 Cece rocked official pigtails for the occasion. 
we've done pigtails with barrettes a few times, 
but this was the first with elastics :) totally cute.

Last week we had some excitement because of all the rain we had. The Taunton River flooded & closed rt 44. That is a very short walk from our house (fortunately our basement stayed mostly dry!) so we had to go and check it out.
Checking out the rising river w/dad.

Here is Cecelia's second cousin Kerrin checking it out with Baxter.

further down the road:

In other Cecelia news, she's trying to crawl these days but finds it very frustrating. she can go from sitting to crawling position, but then goes backwards! which equals lots of crabbing. she can pivot pretty well, and occasionally rolls around, but mostly lays around and fusses about it. she loves standing though, and i think if she could figure out how to stand up by herself, we'd all be in a lot of trouble!
I hates crawling mumma! crawling is for babies!

Monday, March 15, 2010

party animal!

Saturday night we went to a birthday party for some friends. as usual, most of the pictures ended up being of the babies ;)

cece wore her finest pirate garb, although the bandana didn't last long ;)

fun times are always had with cece's buddy kieran. although, she's wondering how he got from here to there w/out someone moving him. he did it on his own you say? crazy!

K says g'night! thanks for checking out the blog! :)

Going to the Chapel (or, gazebo...)

The count down is on until Cece's Uncle Matt & Auntie Melissa get married. This weekend was the wedding shower, hosted by Melissa's mom & aunt (decorated by yours truly). A good time was had by all, and it seemed like M&M got set up with a lot of good stuff.

the guest of honor!

the ladies of the bridal party

not too excited or anything!

 cece in her cute girlie girl dress!

and, without. it got HOT in there!

It's getting close now, and we're really looking forward to the big day! :D

Saturday, March 6, 2010

farrer family silly kitchen night

The other night cecelia was not going to sleep, rather than battle it out with her, we just got back up and ended up lounging around in the kitchen having a silly photoshoot :)

Look! you can see mommy's brain, it's kind of shriveled :)

crazy baby bird & crazy daddy bird

tetris farrers!

we wrestled. cece won.

getting a dose of vitamin U(pside down)
okay kid, enough craziness, time for bed.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


we had some unexpected excitement today when in an attempt to run errands I forgot my keys & locked us out of the house (& car).

here we are waiting for Andy to come let us back in

cece was all bundled up in fleece, so it wasn't so bad snuggled up waiting for him. the worst part is i still need to go to the DMV! blast!

here's lookin at you kid!


Cecelia is 7 months old! holy moly! 
we got wii fit plus, which has a 'baby stats' feature (meaning one of us gets weighed, then we get weighed again holding the baby) so according to that last week she was 22 1/4 pounds!  she isn't much into rolling these days, she prefers to be sitting. she loves to stand (with help) and is trying to pull herself up. will she skip crawling? only time will tell!

she's getting awesome at eating, and has gone from just sucking on stuff, to actually eating it! and it seems like her pincher grasp is starting to show itself, so perhaps we will try some cheerios soon.

here she is nomming a muffin the other day. funny girl!

she still blows raspberries all the time and screeches like a crazy bird (in the cutest way possible) i love that, and will miss it a lot when she learns actual words, so i'm in no rush for that to happen.