Thursday, September 30, 2010

na-na na-na?

we're lounging around this morning and cece starts signing for milk & saying "mummummummum" (which means she wants to nurse) it was a long night of nursing, so i said 'not right now baby' she paused for a minute, leaned over with a big grin and said "na-na- na-na??" (banana) her second favorite food, i guess! :)

Sunday, September 26, 2010

many faces of cece

who am i to resist a snuggle?

it's tough waking up w/a camera in your face.

you're kind of a jerk mumma.

relaxin with daddoo.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

take time to smell the flowers.

we have some sprawling pile of flowers in the backyard that cece marches over to, plunks down, leans over and says "mmmmm!" as if she was smelling them and they smell great.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

more Ceceisms

Cece is a whirlwind of activity these days, keeping up with her is keeping me from keeping up this blog!

i wanted to write down a couple funny things she did this morning,
she's got a fake laugh, which usually sounds like "ha ha ha!" which is funny enough alone- but this morning she was gesticulating wildly that she wanted my coffee. and i told her no, coffee is for mummy, and mummy needs coffee because of cece. which got a big fake laugh "huuh huhh huhh!"

she's also been playing with the little egg cups from andy's poaching pan. this morning she was excited to combine that w/the cats water dish & discover it's like an indoor water table. after all she has a little scoop for her outdoor table. how'd she get so smart.
