Sunday, February 12, 2012


Ruby turned three months yesterday!! She celebrated by graduating by going into size 3 diapers & size 9 months clothes! Andrew & I have spent the day sorting through the boxes I thought I carefully packed from when Cece outgrew them :) but she should be good to go now.

Cece has been a rock star at potty training. After a week of practice she's upgraded to cute Mickey Mouse undies!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Can you tell we are related?

Cece's current obsession is Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (probably because we just stocked up on all the Sesame St guys). After pretending her blocks were the various characters I decided to buy her an official set of the sensational six. I hemmed and hawed about it but finally decided on a set I found on Amazon and had them shipped (with a few other things) the slow way.

Monday I got an amazon box, basically all the other things... But when my mom brought up the box, she asked if I had been expecting the package in a way that was curious. I said I had been, why?

She had bought Cece a set of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse guys and she was hoping it might be that.

They of course both arrived today.

and they were of course exactly the same:)