Tuesday, December 29, 2009

My Review of Stain Remover

Originally submitted at Diapers.com

Babyganics Stain Remover

You don’t know where they came from or what they are, but they’re everywhere: mysterious stains and odors on clothes, bibs, diapers, carpets, bedding. Don’t ask why, just get them gone with our non-toxic formula. Safe as it is ef...

love it!

By Rugglesem from Ma on 12/29/2009


5out of 5

Pros: Easy to Use, Efficient

Best Uses: Laundry

Describe Yourself: Casual Cleaner

I have a very pukey baby and i love this spray, it works on stains i've missed and already run through the laundry. I'm stocking up now!


merry christmas!

Cecelia's first christmas was a busy one!

Christmas eve eve we hung out w/her uncle matt & auntie melissa for some silliness as usual.

Christmas eve we finally got to go visit the Taunton Green & look at the lights

Then it was off to my uncle Dave & aunt Jan's, which was exhausting!

Here is Cece's cousin Patrick moving some spoons around:

I think after all that excitement, I was up more Christmas eve than Cece was! Christmas day we had lots of places to go, we started at our house, of course:

Cece wasn't sure what was going on, but she liked the sound of wrinkling paper :)

we visited with my mom next, where i didn't take any pictures, but i did take a video- i can only manage so much media!

next stop was my dad's house where we had a nice big breakfast and a mellow morning!

i probably could have used a nap at this point,

but there was no stopping us, and we were on to andy's parents:

we had a very nice visit there as well. mmm mexican food for dinner :) Feliz Navidad! we'd like to thank everyone for making Cecelia's first Christmas with us so wonderful, it was better than i could have imagined! <3

Monday, December 21, 2009

baby's first blizzard

cece definitely liked the snow better once she was back inside!!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

all i want for christmas is a silent night...

hahaaa, that's what ce's shirt says at least! she's actually been pretty good at night. usually she only wakes up once, with occasional solid nights & occasional nights with multiple wake ups.

I have mastered the art of the solo bath- skipping all baby bath accouterments, i just fill up the tub and hold her head above water, it's way easier than all the gadgets. i'd feel guilty about using all that water, but we have a freakishly small tub, so it's not so bad.

rub-a-dub-dub- washing the chub!

fluff keeps us company during bathtime, he's a big help as you can probably imagine! 

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

check up check in!

Cecelia had her 4 month dr visit yesterday & got all good marks! she's above the 95% for height & weight & her head was in the 90th % (i think?)

She weighed in at a whopping 18 lbs 8.7 ozs and 27"

Here is our smiley girl with her dad at Longhorn before our appointment- my camera phone isn't so great in the dim lighting, but it's fun to try to enhance them a little. :)


Thursday, December 3, 2009

four months!

holy moly where has the time gone? yesterday was cecelia's 4 month birthday. we celebrated by going down and visiting spa tech so i could show her off to some friends :) we have her well baby pediatricians visit next week (more shots, boo) so i'll post her stats then. she does seem to have hit what is apparently the infamous 4 month growth spurt and she is doing a lot of eating & sleeping these days, also exciting she seems to have learned how to whine. but most of the time she's a happy girl. <3

here she is hanging around in her favorite PJ's on thanksgiving.