Thursday, March 7, 2013


ce crawled into bed with me this morning. ruby was nursing. ce pointed to my chest and asked if ruby was 'on the right' (so funny) and if she could use the left. "i used to have it to go to sleep when i was a little big sister. and it used to make me stop cryin mumma." i've read that a lot of times when kids stop they lose the ability to latch on, so i let her try. she let out a big sigh. "why is there no milk mumma?" i told her once we get big and don't need mummas, they don't work anymore. she pondered that for a minute then asked "why is cow milk so coooooolllld?"

maybe i'll have to start nuking her cow milk :) 

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Riddle me this.

"Cece we need to cut your nails
What can I do to convince you to let me?"
"Solve my banana riddle!"
"Ok, what is your banana riddle?"
"Can I have a banana?"

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


"mumma, do giants have mommies?"
"i think so, where else would they come from?"

Friday, October 5, 2012


C-I will just wait for kieran.
Me- It might be a long wait baby..
C-I will wait TEN MINUTES.
M-It might be more like two hours.
C-Oh. Two hours. (Whispers) I will wait 2 hours). Or maybe TEN HOURS.

That is friendship.

Monday, August 27, 2012

a lullaby for cece

lullaby, and good night, my sweet little cece,
say good night, have sweet dreams, dream of birdies in the trees.
i love you, and ruby too, yes i love you and love you,
i love you, and daddy too, yes you're my family.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

There is probably a lesson here

Or just a funny.

"I want to wear these socks when we go see daddy"
"They don't match baby, let's see if we can find a pair that match.."
"mumma. Look at me. I'm beautiful and so are these socks."

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

peanut free ruby

i got to talk to ruby's allergist this evening after seeing her test results online. whatever the factor is that they test is apparently pretty low- (Positive: Peanut IgE 1.05) i don't know what that means in regards to the severity of it, but the dr seemed optimistic that she might outgrow it.  she said that they are finding more kids are outgrowing the peanut allergy then they previously thought, and some of the statements found about it being an allergy that is never outgrown might not really apply because she is so young.  obviously this is optimism and speculation, not anything guaranteed. 

she said based on the immediacy of ruby's response to being exposed to pb that avoidance is the way to go at this point.  avoiding all things peanut related, and tree nuts (those have a high risk of cross contamination). the good news in all of this is i've given up eating peanuts and ruby's eczema that we've been struggling with for months has cleared up entirely, and the dr said tree nuts are safe for me to eat.

in a year we will retest and they will do the skin test, depending on the results of that maybe another blood test and if the numbers are different then try re-exposing her.